Originally delivered on 10/27/2024 10:19 am

SUBJECT: Sprague Pulse | Week of October 27th

Stay connected with Sprague Pulse, your weekly update.
Weekly Newsletter - October 27, 2024
President's Message

Hi Sprague Community, 


Huge thank you to Social Events Co-Chairs Lauren Grignafinni-Morris and Kim Hall, and our many volunteers who helped everything run so smoothly. Event photos are available here – and we're looking for more! Send your photos to yearbook@spragueschoolpto.com.

Shop & Dine for Sprague

Holiday season is coming... and you can order Holiday Cards through Minted or Shutterfly to benefit Sprague – details about these and other fundraising opportunities are available online!

Grade 3 & 4 Grade Social Hosts Needed

Email us if you're interested in hosting a casual get-together for Grade 3 or 4! 

🎃👻👹 See you at the Halloween parade on Thursday! 🎃👻👹

Rose & Wendy

Sprague PTO Calendar
Tuesday, October 29
8:45a CAS Event: Kindergarten - Discovery Museum (Weather)
Wednesday, October 30
8:00a All-School CAS Event - Mannie Noqueira BMX
Monday, November 4
Children's Book Week
Tuesday, November 5
Children's Book Week
Wednesday, November 6
Children's Book Week
7:45a Walk/Ride/Roll-to-School
8:35a PTO Meeting
4:00p Qdoba Fundraiser Event
Thursday, November 7
Children's Book Week
Friday, November 8
Children's Book Week
National STEM/STEAM Day
Walk/Ride/Roll-to-School: Wednesday, November 6

All are encouraged to join by walking or rolling to school! Meet Ms. Flitsch, P.E. teacher, and the Sprague parent volunteers at the Sprague main entrance to receive your footie necklace.

Add to calendar

PTO Meeting: Wednesday, November 6

Join us for our PTO meeting on Wednesday, November 6th! We will be gathering in the Sprague Library or, if you prefer, you can join us virtually via Google Meet

This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, discuss upcoming events, and share your ideas for the school year. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make this year amazing for our students!

Add to calendar

Upcoming Grade Socials


TimeHostRSVP Link
KNov. 8
7:00 - 10:00 pm
Hayes Family
1stNov.157:30 - 9:30 pm
Benedikt & Newman Families
2ndNov. 157:00 - 10:00 pmDrummond & Cross FamiliesRSVP
5thNov. 87:00 - 10:00 pmSpivak FamilyRSVP
Events & Programs
Creative Arts and Sciences (CAS)


On a beautiful fall Thursday morning, the Fourth Graders welcomed Lisa Moore from the Natural Resources Commission to help them kick off their geology unit. She took each class on a tour of geological processes happening around Sprague. Kids saw examples of weathering, erosion and deposition and the groups discussed what the causes of each example might be.

Ask your child to show you the hand signals that will help them remember "Weathering breaks it. Erosion takes it. Deposition drops it."

See if you can find rocks that show signs of weather, erosion or deposition in your yard.

Photos are available on our website!


Tuesday our kindergarteners will be visited by a Sprague favorite, The Discovery Museum, for their weather program! Young meteorologists understand the important role weather plays in daily life as they engage in the practice of science and engineering by developing tools for forecasting and observing day-to-day changes and seasonal patterns over time.

On Wednesday, the school will gather in the gymnasium for a captivating and dynamic visit from BMX rider, Mannie Norqueira. He will dazzle the students with tricks on his bike, all while speaking about kindness and anti-bullying, which is perfect timing now that all students have learned about the Sprague HEART values. Parents, be ready for your student's excitement when they come home from school, as it is sure to be a memorable event!

Learn more about CAS or email cas@spragueschoolpto.com.

Merchant Fundraisers
Shop & Dine for Sprague!

Fundraising opportunities that give back to our school:

Learn more about our Fundraising Program!

Want to recommend a partner?Email us!

2024 Cradles to Crayons Drive Ends November 1

Join Sprague Elementary’s efforts to make a difference to the children served by Cradles to Crayons! Drop off donations of new or gently used children's clothing in the main lobby from now until November 1st.

👻Wait Until 8th Tricks and Treats👻
Show Your Sprague Spirit!

Spikey got a glow-up, which means it's time to update your Sprague swag! 

Order your Sprague gear from 1stPlaceSpiritwear

Send in Yearbook Photos

The yearbook team is already hard at work gathering memories for the yearbook. Send in your First Day of School photos - and whatever else you've snapped so far this year - to yearbook@spragueschoolpto.com

Community - WPS

The Wellesley Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is made up of parents and caregivers whose children receive special education services (IEPs) or accommodations (504 plans). The SEPAC advises the district on matters relating to the education and safety of students with disabilities AND provides support and community for families of children with IEPs and 504 plans or who are going through the evaluation process. 

If you’d like to learn more, share input or feedback, or just get connected, contact Sprague SEPAC rep Nicole Katz at sepac@spragueschoolpto.com

Stay Connected
Sprague PTO's Socials

Follow the links below to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Share your photos with social.media@spragueschoolpto.com

Sprague Family Directory

Find a friend on Sprague's Family Directory.

Sprague PTO Board

Meet and connect with the Board.

Interested in joining as a Co-Chair or Committee Member? Email presidents or the relevant contact on our Board page, or join us at an upcoming PTO Meeting to learn more.

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