On a beautiful fall Thursday morning, the Fourth Graders welcomed Lisa Moore from the Natural Resources Commission to help them kick off their geology unit. She took each class on a tour of geological processes happening around Sprague. Kids saw examples of weathering, erosion and deposition and the groups discussed what the causes of each example might be.
Ask your child to show you the hand signals that will help them remember "Weathering breaks it. Erosion takes it. Deposition drops it."
See if you can find rocks that show signs of weather, erosion or deposition in your yard.
Photos are available on our website!
Tuesday our kindergarteners will be visited by a Sprague favorite, The Discovery Museum, for their weather program! Young meteorologists understand the important role weather plays in daily life as they engage in the practice of science and engineering by developing tools for forecasting and observing day-to-day changes and seasonal patterns over time.
On Wednesday, the school will gather in the gymnasium for a captivating and dynamic visit from BMX rider, Mannie Norqueira. He will dazzle the students with tricks on his bike, all while speaking about kindness and anti-bullying, which is perfect timing now that all students have learned about the Sprague HEART values. Parents, be ready for your student's excitement when they come home from school, as it is sure to be a memorable event!
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