Originally delivered on 10/6/2024 9:56 am

SUBJECT: Sprague Pulse | Week of October 7

Stay connected with Sprague Pulse, your weekly update.
Weekly Newsletter - October 6, 2024
Presidents' Message

Hi Sprague Community! 

Our 5th graders had an amazing time at Treetop Adventures on Friday, where they challenged themselves on the high ropes course while supporting and cheering each other on. Even some parents & teachers got in on the fun! A special thank you to Jill Wells for organizing this unforgettable day.

We are still looking for Grade Social hosts. If you would like to host or co-host at your home, or organize an event at a local venue, please email us. These events are an important way for parents to connect in a relaxed way (i.e., no kids tugging at your sleeve), and just have fun. Consider raising your hand to help with this annual tradition.

Annual Appeal

Our organization spends over $175 per student per year directly on field trips, community building and classroom support. 

Our request this year is a donation of $150 per student, but any donation amount is greatly appreciated. Ask your employers if they have a gift matching program. Sprague PTO is a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization. 

Our participation goal is 75%, and in the spirit of fun, our generous and always enthusiastic principal, Leigh, has offered a special Pajama Day for our students if we hit that goal. 


Warm Regards, 

Rose & Wendy

Sprague PTO Calendar
View & Subscribe to Sprague PTO's Calendar

Visit our website to view the entire calendar for the year. Events are always being added, so we recommend subscribing to stay up-to-date!

Upcoming Events
Monday, October 7
Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive
Tuesday, October 8
Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive
Wednesday, October 9
Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive
7:30a International Walk/Ride/Roll-to-School
8:35a PTO Meeting
Thursday, October 10
Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive
Friday, October 11
Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive
9:00a Kindergarten CAS Event - Sensory Play Lab
Saturday, October 19
9:00a Garden Clean-up
International Walk/Ride/Roll-to-School: Wednesday, October 9 - New Date!

International Walk + Roll to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and rolling to school on the same day. This is a DATE CHANGE from our planned event on October 8.

All are encouraged to join by walking or rolling to school! Meet Ms. Flitsch, P.E. teacher, and the Sprague parent volunteers at the Sprague main entrance to receive your footie necklace.

Complete this Google form to volunteer from 7:45 - 8:30 am on Walk/Bike/Roll-to-School Days.  

**PTO Meeting: Wednesday, October 9**

NEW DATE to coincide with Walk/Bike/Roll-to-School!

We will be gathering on the playground (weather permitting) or, if you prefer, you can join us virtually via Google Meet. 

This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, discuss upcoming events, and share your ideas for the school year. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make this year amazing for our students!

Add to Google Calendar

Video call link

Volunteer Opportunities
All Hands on Deck

We love our volunteers and appreciate any amount of time you are able to give. Short on time? We also have opportunities for volunteer at various events. Add your name to the All Hands on Deck Volunteer list – we'll be in touch when a need arises. 

Open Board Seats

Looking for more? We have the following open positions for our Board:

  • Communications
  • Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Raffle Co-Chairs

Interested in joining a committee? Reach out to a Board Chair!

Events & Programs
Creative Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Next Friday, our kindergartners will be visited by Miss L from Sensory Play Lab! What better way to start the school year and CAS experience with immersive, squishy, messy play! For those unfamiliar with Sensory Play Lab, students will get their hands messy with all sorts of  materials, which could include lentils, corn, oatmeal and slime! 

Learn more about CAS or email cas@spragueschoolpto.com.

2024 Cradles to Crayons Drive: Oct. 6 - Nov. 1

Join Sprague Elementary’s efforts to make a difference to the children served by Cradles to Crayons!

  • Drop off donations of new or gently used children's clothing in the main lobby from now until November 1st.

  • The week of October 7, our 5th grade student volunteers will help with clothing collection in the morning before school during carline and at Walk-Bike-Roll-to-School Day on Wednesday, October 9.


Annual Sprague Fall Fest
Annual Sprague Fall Fest

The Annual Fall Fest & Movie Night is a Sprague family favorite! Yummy food and treats, pumpkins, crafts, costume sale, and a special viewing of Monsters University. 

Skip the line by purchasing Fall Fest tickets in advance.

Date: Friday, October 25, 2024
Time: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Where: Sprague Field & Playground

We are currently looking for volunteers to help with tasks leading up to the event, as well as to work tables for 30-min shifts during the event.

** If you are interested in helping, complete this Google Form: https://forms.gle/NJrHU4yaXxYa7cUJ9. **

Questions? Contact Social Events Co-chairs Kim Hall and Lauren Grignaffini-Morris at social.events@spragueschoolpto.com.

💪 Get FIIT with fellow moms & support our school! 💪

Calling all moms! Get ready to sweat for a good cause at FIIT Flow!

Date: 10/17
Time: 9:30 AM (please arrive at 9:15 to complete waivers)
Place: Momentum in Wellesley 165 Linden St Suite 102 

Sign Up

What is FIIT Flow?

It's a FIERCE Combination of yoga & HIIT. With your favorite yoga poses, cardio blasts & strength moves in perfect harmony you will build your strength, grace & power! In addition to an intense workout, FIIT Flow is a time to come together to connect and take time for ourselves.

All you need is a yoga mat, indoor sneakers, and water.

Special Sprague rate: $30

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign a waiver. Class will begin promptly at 9:30.

Space is limited to 20 participants, so sign up to secure your spot. 75% of proceeds will be donated to the PTO to support our incredible students!

Garden Clean-Up

Thank you to those who helped care for the garden during summer months! We had a successful season, thanks to you! Now the growing season is almost over at Sprague vegetable garden, and we are ready to winterize it. So we need lots of hands to tackle them all! We hope to see you in the garden! 

Date: Sunday 10/19/24 (Rain date: Sun 10/20/24)

Time: 9am - 11am    

Sign up: https://forms.gle/CzJaQDnyMSywU6Bb6 

Questions? Email GreenTeam@SpragueSchoolPTO.com

Send in Yearbook Photos

The yearbook team is already hard at work gathering memories for the yearbook. Send in your First Day of School photos — and whatever else you've snapped so far this year — to yearbook@spragueschoolpto.com


CARES is a PTO committee with a mission to build community through families helping families in need. To receive support, contact:

Wait Until 8th

We hope families are settling into their fall routines and enjoying the sunshine! We are excited to share that Wait Until 8th has hit 75,000 pledges in the United States! And Sprague's first grade class is ONE PLEDGE AWAY from becoming active, so if you are considering delaying giving your first grader a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade, please sign the pledge today!

Many parents say 'yes' to a smartphone sooner than they would like as they don't want their child to be one of the few kids without one. This pledge is designed with community in mind: when a grade at Sprague hits 10 pledges, the pledge is activated! This helps alleviate any concern about being the only family who commits to this pledge. Since the pledge is only activated when 10 families from a grade commit, parents can sign without concern about being the only ones. 

The pledge is for smartphones only. If parents need a communication device for their child before the end of 8th grade, there are basic phones and watches listed on the website: waituntil8th.org

Let's do this, Sprague!


Show Your Sprague Spirit!

Spikey got a glow-up, which means it's time to update your Sprague swag! 

Order your Sprague gear from 1stPlaceSpiritwear

Stay Connected
Sprague PTO's Socials

Follow the links below to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Share your photos with social.media@spragueschoolpto.com

Sprague Family Directory

Find a friend on Sprague's Family Directory.

Sprague PTO Board

Meet and connect with the Board.

Interested in joining as a Co-Chair or Committee Member? Email presidents or the relevant contact on our Board page, or join us at an upcoming PTO Meeting to learn more.

From the Community - Sports
Wellesley Girls Lacrosse Fall 2024 Specialized Clinics with Erin Coykendall

10/3/2024 Clinics - All Clinics held at Sprague Turf Field #2


  • Grades 3-5 at 11:00 - 12:00 pm
  • Grades 6-8 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Dodging & Cutting:

  • Grades 3-5 at 12:00 - 1:00 pm
  • Grades 6-8 at 2:00 - 3:00 pm

10/30/2024 – Shooting Clinic

  • Grades 3-5: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Grades 6-8: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

11/6/2024 – 8 Meters & Defense Clinic

  • Grades 4-5 at 12:30 - 1:30 pm
  • Grades 6-8 at 1:30 - 2:30 pm

These times do not conflict with youth soccer or youth field hockey. 

Register here: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/451751

Please check out our website for more information: https://www.wellesleygirlslacrosse.com/fall-registration

Please follow us on @wellesleyglax for program updates and events.

Wellesley Youth Basketball

Wellesley Youth Basketball Registration is open!

Wellesley's Youth Basketball Association offers programs for players grades K - 12. Click Here to Register

For more information please visit wellesleybasketball.org 

or email WellesleyBasketball@gmail.com.

Summary of programs:

Mini Raiders (Grades K & 1st): Introductory program run by professional coaches and high school students that will develop skills and fundamentals in a fun, high-energy clinic each week.

Saturdays 12/7/24 - 2/8/2025; fee $180

Hoops (Grades 2 & 3): Twelve hour-long sessions including basketball skills and drills (30 minutes) and a scrimmage (30 minutes). Players are assigned to a team of 7-8 players typically with other students in your player’s elementary school.  Parent coached - please get involved!

Saturdays (3rd grade) or Sundays (2nd grade), 12/7/24 - 3/22/25; fee $240

Wellesley Hoops League (Grades 4-9):  A competitive and fun basketball experience, coached by parents or high school coaches. All games are played against other Wellesley teams in Wellesley gyms.  Please consider volunteering to coach.

One weeknight practice (Tues, Thurs or Fri) and Saturday games. 11/18/24 - 2/8/25 (playoffs: 2/25/25-3/8/25). All teams make playoffs. Fee: $275.

Please don't hesitate to contact us confidentially about financial aid. 

Click here to register if you're interested in coaching.

Wellesley Youth Hockey

Wellesley Youth Hockey is proud to offer our Learn to Play (LTP) program as part of a multi-year introduction for those who are new to the sport of hockey. We encourage you to register your child born in 2019, 2020 or 2021 (or older kids who may want to skate for the first time) for the upcoming program. We look forward to seeing you on the ice during the 2024-25 season! 


Click here to register your skater.


Start Date: Week of October 14, 2024, through March 2025

Tuesdays: 5-6pm Coaches/Volunteers/Parent-led practice with direction from WYHA and USA Hockey

Fridays: 5-6pm Driscoll Skills every other week

Saturdays: 8:10-9:10am Cross-ice scrimmages


Boston Sports Institute

900 Worcester St.

Wellesley, MA 02482

From the Community - WPS
SEPAC Meeting Friday 10/11 at 9 am @ Sprague Library

Please join the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) for its membership meeting on Friday, October 11 from 9-10 am at Sprague Library. 

The SEPAC is an advisory board to Wellesley Public Schools on matters relating to special education and its members include all parents and caregivers with children on IEPs and 504 Plans as well as other interested parties. 

In addition to learning more about the SEPAC and how we can work with the District to better support our children on IEPs and 504 Plans, you can also socialize with other parents. All parents and caregivers are welcome. 

Visit https://sites.google.com/site/pacwellesley/home/meeting-dates for more info.

If you’d like to learn more, share input or feedback, or just get connected, contact Sprague SEPAC rep Nicole Katz at sepac@spragueschoolpto.com

Shoppers Corner at Schofield
Shoppers Corner at Schofield

Did you know Shopper’s Corner is a unique resale shop located right in the basement of Schofield Elementary School? The shop sells new and gently used clothing and accessories from infant through adult. 

Not only do they promote sustainability, their prices are rock bottom: items start at $1 and most are less than $5!  

The store is open during the school year every Wednesday that school is in session from 8:30am to 12:15pm and the first Saturday of most months from 9am to 11am.

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